Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2012 . . . and still learning.

This year has been the best year so far on my Vegan journey. I've meet some awesome people and some people who have made me learn a few good lessons. I am still not 100% Raw Vegan and I have decided not to be. Booooo for me right? Yeah I know, but I have decided my family and social life should not suffer as they did when I first converted to raw.

I'm still not the thin, sickly looking Vegan people expect, but still my size 14 voluptuous self, lol. I am happy with that because the other night when my husband wanted to sit down and have a beer and watch a movie, I just kicked back from a long day in the garden and joined with him. Yep, I did; popcorn and all. I can honestly say I am in a very happy place being a "high raw" Vegan.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

What is the difference between "Quality" and "Perfection"

As I sit here writing down todays goals, I found myself writing one goal that read, "concentrate on quality not perfection" in regards to my workout. But then I realize I can apply that to all aspects of my life and my journey to Veganism.

Will I ever be a 100% Vegan or Raw Foodist? No. I don't want a label, I want to clean up my diet to better my life, to make less trips to the doctor, to live long enough to spoil my grandkids. Do I believe that meat is bad? No. If I did, then I would not believe what is written in the Bible. I have come to focus more on quality not perfection in all aspects of my life. And that quality means living a life so that on my death bed, I have a smile.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lessons not what I expected

The lessons I learned on my journey to Veganism in 2010 were surely not what I expected. Well for one, I expected to be 100% Vegan by summer--that happened to a point. I met some awesome German friends who love the raw food lifestyle and that helped a little. But when its all said and done, I have to come home to a non-vegan/raw food family. They really could care less about my choice of eating but I miss the family interaction when we use to eat dinners or go out to restaurants together. Food has an emotional attachment, and even though I can cook their food and prepare mine, it just wasn't the same. I learned that I got tired of going places and they not cater to Vegans and Raw Foodist. I would often slightly ruin the trip because of my "food choice" so of speak. Now is it impossible to be a Vegan and Raw Foodist-no. I did it successfully for a year, but I also in a way alienated family activities and my husband's home cooked meals he be so proud of. In affect, I was not kind to myself. I learned that I have to be kind to myself. I learned that I have to eat according to the occasion and not offend the host. I learned a lot in 2010 about myself and my lifestyle. I learned not to apply labels but just to be happy and enjoy life.